World Soil Day 2022: Know the History, Theme and Preventive Measures.

World Soil Day (WSD), Soil a combination of minerals, organic matter, living organisms and water. World soil day is annually celebrated on 5 December to raise awareness of sustainably managing healthy ecosystems and the worth of fertile soil.

Why soil needs to keep secure from Degradation:

As soil carries organic matter, inorganic compounds which ensure mineral-rich plant life and nutrient in their entirety. This is essential for plant life for the healthy nourishment of food. Sustainability of resources and security of food necessary which is acceptable at a global level.

As per the study by the United Nation, the soil is degraded by 33 % already, and estimated that 95 % of food is produced by soil.

History :

IUSS (International Union of Soil Services) approve establishing a worldwide day to commemorate soil in 2002. As directed by the kingdom of Thailand within the framework of a global soil partnership. FAQ supported the initiative and accommodate it officially as world soil day.

Afterward, the FAQ conference approved the day in June 2013 and campaigned for its official adoption at the 68th United Nation General Assembly.

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The first soil day was declared on 5 December 2014 by UNGA (UN General assembly).

Theme Of World Soil Day 2022:

The theme of world soil day 2022 is “Where food begins”. The reason behind this theme is to raise awareness and necessity of healthy soil to engage citizens around the global level to stand for soil.

Even it promotes the value of the conservation of a healthy ecosystem and the wellness of humans.

Preventive Measures to Conserve Soil

  1. Support social friendly agrological farming.
  2. Grow more soil-saving plants like clover, legumes, etc.
  3. Avoid compacting the soil.
  4. Tilt and contour your garden and earthworms to the damaged soil.




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