Tomato Flu : More Than 103 Cases Have Been Received

Tomato Flu

After more than 105 cases were reported in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Odisha and Haryana. The Union Ministry has issued an advisory an ‘ Tomato Flu’ also known as Hand Foot and Mouth disease( HFMD).

The advisory states that it is a self- limiting disease that mostly targets young children aged 1-10 years and immuno – compromised adults and that no specific drug exists to treat it.

Maintain Cleanliness

The best prevention is the maintenance of proper cleanliness and hygiene of the surroundings. Isolation should be followed for surroundings. Isolation should be followed for 5-7 days from the onset of any symptoms to present the spread of the infection to other children or adults.

Tomato Flu first identified in Kerala

Tomato flu was first identified in Kolkata, Kerala on May 6, 2022. As of 26 July, the infection has been reported by local government hospitals in more than 82 children under the age of 5. In addition, RMRC Bhubaneswar reported 26 children ( 1-9 years of age) falling ill in Odisha.

However, apart from Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Haryana and Odisha, no other state has reported tomato flu cases so far.

Symptoms of Tomato Flu

  • Tomato – sized blisters appear on many parts of the body, the blisters start as small red colored blisters and  when they grow they resemble  tomatoes.
  • The primary symptoms seen in children with tomato flu are similar to those of other viral infection, including Fever, Rash, and Joint pain.
  • Skin rashes can also cause skin irritation.
  • It begins with mild fever, loss of appetite, malaria and often a sore throat.
  • A day or two after the onset of Fever, small red spots appear which turn into blisters and then ulcers .
  • The sores are usually located on the inside of the tongue, gums, cheeks, palms and soles.

Symptoms get better after a few

The ministry of Health said that tomato flu is a limited infection disease because the symptoms get better after a few days. The Ministry said that the  disease appears to be a clinical form of the so- called HEDM which is common among school going children.

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