National Girl Child Day 2023: History, Slogan, Significance and Celebration this year

National Girl Child Day 2023: History, Slogan, Significance and Celebration this year

Every year we observe National Girl Child Day on 24th January all around the country. The day was initiated by the Ministry of Women and child development and Central Government in the year 2008, the day is observed to spread the awareness concerning the unevenness and inequalities that girls face in society and worldwide.

History of the Day

In 2008, the Ministry of women and child development started observing the day for girl children as National Girl Child Day. On this day, people started many programs and events that can spread public awareness about unevenness that girls face in Nation.

The day aims to encourage people in order to promote the awareness about the discrimination that a girl witness in terms of schooling, position of employment, clothing etc.

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National Girl Child Day Significance

As per the women and child development Ministry, the day is meant to raise awareness about the right of a girl.

In today’s society it is important for the development of nation to encourage girl child and give them opportunities like everyone else and to help or assist the girl child to permanently remove gender- based inclination.

The day is celebrated all around the country by hosting numerous events to celebrate the equality of girl children.

The main Moto is to change the society’s attitude towards girls by lessening Female Feticide and make people aware about decreasing sex- ratio.

Celebration this year

The Central Government has already started many programs, campaigns to encourage girl child. The Ministry listed a number of steps taken by the government such as –

  •  Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
  •  Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana
  •  Free or subsidized education for girl child
  •  Save the Girl child
  •  Reservation for women in colleges and universities.

This day the Nation observes National Girl Child Day and organize various events to celebrate girl child day to encourage education, Job position, equal status etc.

This year also Government will organize many campaigns events to raise the consciousness among the citizens regarding girl children in today’s society.


Slogan for National Girl Child Day 2023 is “Digital Generation, Our Generation”.

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