Lumpy Virus For Animals: Know about this Virus, this crossed 532 animal cases in India

Lumpy Virus For Animals: Know about this Virus, this crossed 532 animal cases in India

Disease carried by Animals called Lumpy Virus, it’s outbreaks has found in the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Jharkhand, Delhi and Rajasthan etc. This virus causes on the skin of animals which is called as skin disease,  this disease also known as cattle pox, which is caused by the Capri pox virus, this cause a disease called goat pox in goats, Oyster pox in sheep and lumpy skin disease in cows.

Many state governments are on alert mode regarding this. 

In India the total figure of Lumpy Virus has crossed 532 in India and still this figure are not decreasing. Veterinarian Dr. RK Singh said that all diseases that are spread in the same virus, just their variant is different. This virus thus affects all types of cows and buffaloes.

First the cows get fever and after a day or two, so many round pimples emerge on the skin of the cow. Swelling occurs all over the cow’s body. It can be felt with the hand. After lumpy virus increasing cases, the Animal Husbandry Department is on alert mode regarding the virus. 

The disease is first spreading in milking cows because the immunity of milking cows is a little less as compare to non- milking cows and similarly causes more damage in the calves. Doctor RK Singh says that this disease is especially fatal in Jersey breed. But Indian cows, which are species of Zebu cattle, are not so lethal.

Like other viruses, this diseases is not spreading by air, does not spreading by sneezing, not by split and saliva or by eating fodder together, does not spread by drinking water together, not by living together that is why it is not a Contagious disease.

Lumpy Virus Prevention

In case of Lumpy virus, contact a veterinarian and get your cow vaccinated with sheep pox vaccine. This vaccination is very useful in cows so they can be saved from them. 

If this disease occurs as an epidemic, then there is less benefit from sheep pox vaccine, So only those people should apply vaccination in their cows that do not yet have lumpy disease. Veterinarians advised to clean their shed properly, try to avoid outsider’s animals, use neem leaves in the cattle shed so that infestation of flies can be avoided.

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