International Migrants Day 2022: Theme, Importance and History

International Migrants Day 2022: Theme, Importance and History

Every year we observe International Migrants Day on consequence of climate variability, conflict and many different reasons have hugely completed and affected migration over the last few years, one and the other probably inside and cross- boundary.

According to the report presented by United Nations more than 280 million people migrated universally in 2020, and about 59 million people were internally changed their place by the end of 2021.

They were internally displaced to get the relief from Covid and climate changes etc.


This year the theme for International Migration Day is ‘Integrating migrants into primary health care’ systems. In order to acquire an integrated plan to approaches acknowledging migration and people health, World Health Organization (WHO) suggests three elements, several of them are based in part of knowledge obtained through out of time of COVID- 19 pandemic.

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Importance and History

18 th December was selected to observe the International agreement on the defense of the Rights of each migrant worker and member of their group, which was approved by the UNGA in the year 1990.

Migrants frequently face ill- treatment, abuse and exploitation have bounded and gets restricted prerequisite such as healthcare and are affected by racist assault and social disgrace which is filled by wrong facts. A mass of migrants workers frequently hold unstable, vulnerable or simple positions that sets them at a precarious and a higher risk of losing the position of employment, salary and adverse failure state or situations.

In 2016, General Assembly had called a conference of head of government and state to talk about refugee and migrant shifts. The conference resulted in enhancing International Migration governance and handled a more responsible, congruous process for improving the situation of refugee and migrants shifts.

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