Happy Children’s Day 2022: Celebrating Bal Diwas in India – Know the Theme, Significance and History

Happy Children's Day 2022: Celebrating Bal Diwas in India - Know the Theme, Significance and History

Happy Children’s Day 2022:  “The children of today will make the India of tomorrow”. These are the spoken words of our first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru. The idea was the way we bring them up will shape the Future of India.

Also in the year 2022, we could not mold his words but try to reflect on the same. Every year, we celebrate children’s day like we are celebrating a Carnival in the country on November 14th . This day is important as it is the same day Jawaharlal Nehru used to celebrate his birthday.

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Previously, Children’s Day was celebrated in the country on November 30, but after the death of Jawaharlal Nehru, we changed the day as  decision was passed in the Indian Parliament to label his birthday as Children’s Day.

Why This Day is Important?

The day becomes important for every Indian as our First Prime Minister believed that children are the future of India and the most important base of the country. Not only this children’s day is also celebrated to realize the importance of children’s future, education, right and most importantly the convenient and decent care of children that should be accessible to every child in the country.

Celebration in India?

Children’s Day is celebrated in many different ways in all over India. The day of joy for children as they gets lots of love, chocolates and gifts. Especially, we mostly observed celebrations of children’s day in schools, where the teachers set up amusing games, entertaining programmes for the children who are also pampered and showered with many presents that includes eatables food items, books and beautiful greetings and cards.

Theme of This Year?

This year as per the theme decided by World Children’s Day 2022 is to share a adorable idea of equality and inclusion for every child.

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