Elon Musk Introduce New Features On Twitter: Increased Character and Different Color for Checkmarks

Twitter CEO Elon Musk teased updating the character limits which mask wrote “It’s on the to-do list. Musk replied to users’ suggestions.

As we know Twitter is a microblogging, social networking service possessed by an American company.

Twitter is mentioned as microblogging because of its 140-character limits. After that, it extends from 140 to 280 characters in September 2017.On the request of the twitter users.

The announcement is for those exhilarated by tweets as the character might soon expand to 1000 from its earlier limit of just 280 characters because of creating continuous changes to the social media platform. Character limits are the primary differences between Twitter and other social media services.

According to the report by Mashable, Elon Musk has also shown interest in increasing the idea of a character limit on several occasions since Musk takeover this platform.

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Many users suggest their limits in which on November 27 One of the users suggests musk increase it by 280 to 420.By which good idea replied musk. Preceding it another user suggested getting rid of character limits to which the billionaire responded “Absolutely” Various users express their suggestions like pausing spaces in the word limit, should allow long-form notes.

Another major change announced by musk is its multi-colored verification system. The previous “Twitter blue “would replace by three-colored systems.  Musk also announced for 3 check marks to recognize various types of users on social media platforms are gold, grey, and blue. From which different users acquire different check marks.

New Checkmarks

New checkmarks introduced for differentiate.

  • Companies would get Gold Checkmarks
  • Blue Checkmarks for Individuals
  • Grey Checkmarks for the Government.

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