Hypertension: A Huge Complication Mainly in Adults, Know How to Cure it

Hypertension: A Huge Complication Mainly in Adults, Know How to Cure it

If we compare it to the earliest estimates, we will notice that about 47% of people suffer from hypertension.  In India One in four adults suffers from hypertension, approximately 10 million every year, and 1.3 billion worldwide. High Blood Pressure is a major cause of cardiovascular diseases like stroke.

FPA (Family Planning Association of India) 72nd webinar launch the project PRACHI – prioritizing advocacy for control of hypertension in India to hasten the hypertension control and treatment in India.  A nationwide campaign reinforces by a global health advocacy incubator. Indian government aimed to reduce the 25 % prevalence of hypertension in India by 2025.

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Risk Factors Increase High Blood Pressure:

  1. Being Overweight/obese is the main cause of high BP as increased retroperitoneal and visceral fat compress the kidney.
  2. Excess use of caffeine-based drinks or alcohol can permanently damage your health
  3. Unhealthy diet comprises of too high in sodium and too low in potassium can bring you at risk of high blood pressure.
  4. Genetic factor: Genes carried from parents can be seen in children.

Preventive measures

  1. Regular physical activity aids your heart and blood vessel to strong and lowers your blood pressure.
  2. Consume a healthy diet that includes natural vegetables and fruits.
  3. Pertain Stress management techniques that improve your emotional, mental, and physical health.
  4. Evade yourself from smoking to reduce the risk of heart attack and condition of stroke.

According to the UN General Assembly on 21st September

2022, in New York Indian hypertension control initiative (IHCI) nationwide health care under the national health mission was awarded as 2022 UN interagency task force and primary health care award by WHO.

India estimates by 2025 increased growth can be cured.

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